The Glossary provides a repository for general and specific terms used throughout this web site

For the Glossary, whenever you see a term in bold itallic, it represents a term that is somewhere in this glossary. Rather than making these into links within the page, I have decided that it is best to treat this glossary like a dictionary. All of the terms are important, and going through from top to bottom I believe will serve you best.
 Single Terms
Birth Card The card within the Sun Spread which is assigned to the day of birth for the individual.  See Sun Card below.
Birth Chart The combination of the sun spread, moon spread and rising spread indicated for the year 0 quadration of the deck of cards.   The Birth Chart for an individual represents the qualities that will be effective for the entire life for the individual.   By infusing the astrological Sun, Moon and Rising signs over the Birth Chart, an individual's magnetism can be infused into the reading.
Birth Contract A contractual agreement between the Soul and Creator which allows the Soul to incarnate in order to evolve.  Essentially, Spirit represents a perfected state where all elements are in balance.  In this state of perfection, the Creator Desires to know itself, and thus sends forth the Soul.  The Soul represents an instance of the Creator, and it's evolution creates a path through the vastness of time.  In order to evolve, the Soul needs to incarnate into the realm of free choice, and in doing so is given the opportunity to move closer to (Seek) the Creator.
Birth Event The exact moment when the first breath enters the physical being, infusing the imprint of the stellar forces upon the physical body.  The Spirit had been alive in the Mother all throughout gestation, and to some degree even before conception as the factor of the Soul impulse.  See Moment of Birth below.
Birth Request Essentially the terms of the Birth Contract stated above.
Chakra Ruler(s) The chakras are exposed in the framework relative to the columns, where the 1st chakra is aligned with the 1st column on the right.  The zodiac is rotated such that the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius are aligned over the 1st chakra.  By dissecting the zodiac into 6 segments, each segment will align over the first 6 columns--going from right to left--thereby associating 2 signs per chakra.  The chakra rulers are represented by the archetypal mythical characteristics associated with the signs indicated.  The 7th chakra is transcendental in nature, and is therefore governed by the universal masculine and feminine forces.
Crown Line The top row of 3 cards that sits above the 7x7 matrix of the framework for the cards.  This row of cards was termed the Sun Line by Olney Richmond, denoting that they were outside the influence of the planetary rulers that governed the 7x7 matrix of cards that sits below it.
Divine Light This is in essence the Light of God, or supreme consciousness.  This light is not in a form that is perceptible to the human senses in its pure, or essential form.  However, Divine Light can be filtered such that it can be made perceptible to our physical form, and the awareness of this Light then becomes the function of the Dance of Shiva in the Brow (3rd Eye).  Thus, an aspect of Creator that is unmanifest can come to be known if the individual is capable of attaining the necessary level of communication. 
Divine Love In its purest form, Divine Love refers to the universal vibration that pulsates at the core of existence.  This vibration carries within it the supreme consciousness that we call God, though equally resonates the harmonic of love that brings form to life.  In a more general form of the term, Divine Love refers to the Love of Creator, or the Love that Creator has for it's creation. 
Evolved Spade The Evolved Spade is a symbolic reference to the circular nature of the suit evolution.  The 4 suits equate to the 4 seasons--elements, directions, etc.--in the order of Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds and Spades.  From the standpoint of Spirit, the Spades are oldest, followed by Diamonds, Clubs and Hearts (being youngest).  From the standpoint of physicality, the Hearts come first, followed by Clubs, Diamonds and Spades.  By looking at these representations as a union, they join each other at the endpoints--being the Heart and Spade.  The combined image appears as a circle where the Heart is followed by the Spade when viewing one direction, and where the Spade follows the Heart when looking from the other.
House(s) The positions in the framework are influenced by the forces that are in effect based on row and column.  Each position in the sun spread has been termed a 'House' to indicate the location, or place, through which these universal forces act upon the individuality.  The card that resides in any house in the sun spread represents the owner of that house.
Karmic History
Karmic Memory
Represents the accumulation of Soul growth encountered through life as a human.  The karmic history is a snapshot of the individual akashic record, encoded into the DNA of the individual at birth.  Due to the nature of the pattern inscribed into the individual memory, the Soul work in life tends to be dominated by the need to correct imbalances that are exposed as bad habits.
Karmic Patterns Karmic Patterns represent an expression of habits that have been accumulated over lifetimes.  When the Soul births into a Life stream, it is conditioned by the karmic patterns already in place set up during previous opportunities for Soul growth.
Life Reading A Life Reading incorporates the individual's natal sun, moon and rising signs into the 'Oracle 0' chart, represented as the year 0 quadration for the sun spread, moon spread and rising spread.  Since the quadrations are purely mechanical in nature, by overlaying the persons individual astrological orientation over the Oracle 0 chart will infuse the individual magnetism into the reading.
Moment of Birth The exact time indicated when a person takes their first breath on the planet.  In astrology it is used to calculate the Rising sign, and in Oracle Cards it is used to determine the minute of birth.  See Birth Event above.
The Moment An infinitesimally small period of time marked as the event horizon.  Essentially the point within the center of the Heart which represents the individual 'Choice', exposing the balance of the Cherub/Ego.
Pure Potential A fundamental principle representing our highest purpose in life.  This is essentially reflective of how the Sun operates in relation to the Earth, where it provides the warmth and nourishment necessary for organic growth.  Contacting the individual pure potential then becomes the nourishment for the Soul.
Science of The Cards
Card Science
A term used by Richmond to denote that the theories he presented in 'The Mystic Test Book' were based on fixed universal laws, essentially based on number.  He used what he called astral mathematics to calculate the position of each card within the framework based on the month and day of birth.  The term Card Science is simply a simplification of the term Science of the Cards used by Richmond.
Solar Time Card A term used by Richmond to denote card location of the central position of the Sun Line (see Crown Line).
Universal Law A reference to the universal fundamental principle of Cause and Effect.  Attention to this principle reveals that we are all connected through a spiritual matrix of some sort, and that by affecting one you affect all.   There is no separation.
The Veil A term used to indicate the barrier between dualistic terms, especially Heaven/Earth.  The Veil is another term used to indicate the Void, or the primordial substance from which creation manifests.  Essentially, when approaching the Veil from the standpoint of physical plane reality, one essentially enters the void that separates Heaven from Earth.  When consciousness is operating through the abstract, lucid mind then symbolic messages can awaken an inner awareness that can only be attained through the journey into the void.  All attachments need to be released in order to complete the journey, so attachment then indicates the limiting factor in terms of awakening the universal consciousness available from the perspective of Heaven.
 Dualistic Groupings
Christos-Seed Represents an instance of the perfected human opportunity, the seed form that has not yet been altered by the personality.  Essentially this represents a blank canvas for the human Soul, and will essentially become the repository of all activity in the realm of physicality.
Created Seed Represents the evolution of the Christos-Seed through time.  As the Ego acts in the moment, the desire and intention that is driving the outer activity becomes the stuff that adheres to the Created Seed.  During the Life Review, the Created Seed becomes the fuel that provides vision to the Cherub in face of the almighty Light of the Sun.  If the vision that unfolds is full of the Love that radiates at the core of the Sun, the Cherub will smile in the face of it.  Otherwise the Cherub will be compelled to look away due to the nature of the hidden stuff being revealed.
Dance of Shiva
Dance of Light
Represents the Soul's Original Desire to incarnate, exposed as a holographic impression that is projected onto the Brow.  The term 'Dance of Light' is a symbolic term indicating that light is operating as the radiant force that exposes the color indicated.  The light indicated is the universal consciousness of Shiva, which essentially remains hidden from our outer awareness--though radiant within the 3rd Eye.  When the Dance of Color in the 3rd Eye matches even a portion of the Dance of Light in the Brow, it indicates the function of Shiva experiencing Self.  Shiva delights in the revelation of hiding, and discovering himself as the Creation.  Thus, it is a dance.
Dance of Life
Dance of Color
Represents the Created Seed expression--being the culmination of the Soul's manifestations throughout Life--as a holographic presentation on the Brow chakra.  The term 'Dance of Color' is a symbolic term indicating that light is operating on a substance which reflects the color indicated.  Light is absorbed into the substance either by design or representing a shadow, essentially an attachment that needs to be released.  The Dance of Life interpenetrates with the Dance of Shiva in the Brow, and the union of these 2 vibrations then exposes the holographic difference.
Day Force Represents the universal cosmic masculine force that is indicated when the Sun is the dominant force.  At the equinox in Spring, the day and night are exactly the same length of time.  Every day after this event up until the equinox in Autumn, the day force will dominate.  Therefore, for half of the year, the day force dominates.  For the other half of the year it is the night force that dominates.   At the spring equinox, when the day and night forces are equal, there is an opportunity to extract the quintessence of the work accomplished in the day into the seed thought to be worked on in the night.
Night Force Represents the universal cosmic feminine force that is indicated when the Moon is the dominant force.  At the equinox in Autumn, the day and night are exactly the same length of time.  Every day after this event up until the equinox in Spring, the night force will dominate.  Therefore, for half of the year, the night force dominates, and for the other half of the year it is the day force that dominates.  At the spring equinox, when the day and night forces are equal, there is an opportunity to architect a plan of operation, based on the inner work manifested during the night, into a plan that can be actualized during the day.
Drop of Divine Nectar
Cosmic Drop
The Divine Nectar enters through the Bindu chakra and gets rarified in the Brow at the moment of birth.  The Light interpenetrating the 3 Forehead chakras reflects off the Brow and resonates in the Pineal Gland where the cosmic consciousness of Shiva is drawn down.  This sets up a repeating effect when the reflection is again shown down upon the Brow.   The Divine Ambrosia then is rarified in the Brow and becomes the spark of life that ignites the Soul into individuality.  As the Divine Nectar then drops into the central Heart at the moment of birth, it animates the physical vehicle of the Soul with an imprint of the individual blueprint for life.
Karmic Drop Represents the Water that is drawn up from The Earth through the Reservoir of Experience (manifesting in the lower chakras), and deposits in the pool of choice located in the Shoulder-Blades chakra.  This karmic drop represents our connection to all others as well as to our own past and future incarnations.  In a relative sense, the individuals visible in our current incarnation reflect characters in our future and history, making the moment fundamental in our evolutionary process (see Heart chakra).
Drop of Mind A term used to represent a drop of the essence of the lower mind, as affected by the lower desire and lower intention.
Universal Mind Generally this represents contact with the collective mind of humanity, the sum total of all minds or the intelligence emanating from that.  Specifically, this can be a reference to the individual higher mind since it is united with that collectivity.
Red Drop Represents a condensation of the transformed Shakti force that congeals in the Wheel of Emanation.  As the chi-energy is circulated in the lower chakras, the Shakti force is drawn through the Perineal chakra and is converted to sexual energy by the yang channel.  The Kidney chakra forwards this sexual force to the Navel chakra where through infusion with the chi-energy of the functional channel the red drop congeals in the central Wheel of Emanation.
White Drop Represents a condensation of the Shiva force, which congeals in the pineal gland due to the functioning of the higher faculties.  As the circulation of chi-energy in the lower chakras is purified such that the red drop condesnes in the Wheel of Emanation, it triggers an activation of the pineal gland where the white drop congeals and drips down the central channel towards the Heart.
Yang Channel
Governor Channel
Represents the masculine (yang) energy of the secondary chakras that run up the back of the body, extending from the crossover point at the perineum, to the crown and on to the crossover point at the roof of the mouth.
Yin Channel
Functional Channel
Also called the Emotional Channel, this channel represents the feminine (yin) energy of the secondary chakras that run down the front of the body, extending from the crossover point at the roof of the mouth (Palatine chakras) to the crossover point at the perineum.
 Additional Groupings
Binary State This condition refers to where one house in the framework can have only one of 2 possible values.  These Houses essentially represent the combined energy of the 2 cards that inhabit it, where the primary card will be dominant and the card that shares that House will be subordinate.  Along with the fixed cards, these cards are not members of the karmic wheel and essentially represent the anchor points at the hub of the wheel that connects our evolutionary process to the universe as a whole.
Fixed This condition refers to a situation in which one house in the framework can have only one possible value.  The cards that are fixed remain in the same house no matter how many times the deck is quadrated.  Along with the binary state cards, these cards are not members of the karmic wheel and essentially represent the anchor points at the hub of the wheel that connects our evolutionary process to the universe as a whole.
Pool of Love An etheric body of Living Water that resides at the center of the Heart.  Essentially it is connected to the Crown through an etheric network, or energy grid, that somewhat resembles a funnel when fully activated, filling the expanse of the pool.  It is through this axis at the center of the Heart that humans contact each other as the energy flows out the right hand and in through the left.  Holding hands is an effective example.
Pool of Karma Represents a reflection of the physical body, the Water that is drawn up from Earth to house the Soul incarnation.  This Water originates in the Root chakra, reflecting the karmic patterns of the Soul history.  Through a system of physiological processes, the pool of karma connects with the pool of choice in the Shoulder-Blades chakra (Anahata), and provides the substance through which contact with humanity is realized.  When the individual does the work to harmonize the patterns thus reflected, the Soul vibration rings throughout the body, which draws up the divine Shakti substance to the pool of choice in the Heart.
Pool of Choice Represents a Holographic projection of the activity manifesting in the pool of karma as it outpictures in 3D space.
Ray of Life
The Father
Essentially represents the aspect of Divine Will, the force of Spirit that propels consciousness into manifestation.
Ray of Love
The Mother
Essentially represents the ability and need to create forms given the radiant nature of energy.  The Mother represents the realm through which all forms conceive, gestate and fulfill life within the cosmic scheme of creation.
Ray of Wisdom
The Created One
Essentially represents the spark of Creator as an indwelling form of Spirit within all of manifestation. This is a radiant force that pulsates within all physical form, providing the building blocks with which more complex forms can come into being.  Awakening to the understanding of this radiant force creates a direct link to the Mother, and doing so reveals a form of intuitive communication which allows for the perfected, completed form to evolve into being.
Sun Spread Represents the Solar Book, or Natural Order book described by Richmond.  The term 'Sun' has been applied to the name to indicate that it relates to the 'Solar' book.  The term 'Spread' has been applied to the name to indicate that this orientation of cards is purely mechanical, devoid of individual magnetism.  In other words, it is static, and will not change regardless of which 'Card' is analyzing it.
Rising Spread Represents an independent solar spread developed by quadrating the cards (see the Solar Book).  Each time the deck is quadrated, a new Rising Spread will be exposed as a function of movement upon the Karmic Wheel.  This spread represents the active energy that responds to the social and environmental factors conditioning life.
Moon Spread Represents an independent solar spread developed by quadrating the cards (see the Solar Book).  Each time the deck is quadrated, a new Moon Spread will be exposed as a function of movement upon the Karmic Wheel.  This spread represents the passive force that congealed the collection of patterns exposed through the rising experience.
Oracle Chart The combination of the sun spread, moon spread and rising spread indicated for a particular quadration of the deck of cards.  The Oracle zero Chart represents the Birth Chart for an individual, representing the qualities that will be effective for one’s entire life.  By infusing the astrological Sun, Moon and Rising signs over the Birth Chart, an individual's magnetism can be infused into the reading.
Sun Card The card within the Sun Spread which is assigned to the day of birth for the individual.  This card represents the overall expression of the individual based on their day of birth.  Additional factors will be infused into the reading based on the individuals Sun, Moon and Rising signs respective to the astrological natal chart.
Rising Card Represents the house (card location) that the Birth card appears in the Rising spread.
Moon Card Represents the card that appears in the Birth Card house (card location) in the Rising spread.

The Trinity of Mind - Me, Myself and I

From the perspective of duality, the fundamental concepts of Cherub and Ego are terms used to represent the level of consciousness in operation when analysing the rising and moon spreads especially.  As a generality, the moon spread is reflective or our subjective, psychic orientation, whereas the rising spread is representative of our conscious, objective orientation.  As might be expected, an integration of the objective and subjective viewpoints would be necessary to properly analyze any of the spreads, especially the sun spread.

The cherub is essentially the transcendent aspect of self which responds to the perceptive functions of our makeup.  As a generality, this attitude is most prominant when analysing the moon spread.  Also, the state of mind most associated with this orientation is the Me (why did that just happen to me?).  The perceptive functions are in operation prior to any conscious recognition of the stimulus, however as an after-affect the consciousness tends to qualify the perceptive impulse in a mundane or concrete way. 

The ego, on the other hand represents our conscious involvement with regards to our movement through time.  As a generality, this attitude is most prominant when analysing the rising spread.  Also, the state of mind most associated with this orientation is the I (Look what I just did!).  We make choices in a conscious, thoughtful way and from that we expect to reap the rewards of our effort.  Often though, these choices are not always brought up for conscious review, and in those moments we are merely operating in a habitual way based on a decision we made in the past.

Dualistic Counterparts - Analyzing the Fundamental Relationships (As Above - So Below)

From the perspective of duality, the fundamental concepts of Cherub and Ego are used to represent our level of consciousness with respect to each of the sun, moon and rising spreads. Our card falls into the associated chakra in each of the spreads, and the general qualities associated with the function relative to that chakra would be indicated.

In each spread, the framework is divided into 7 columns or chakras with the 4th chakra in the center.  There is apairing of the columns on the right side of the central channel with a counterpart on the left side.  In general, activity in the lower chakras is identified with the activity of the ego, while activity in the upper chakras represents the realm of activity of the cherub.

However, there is no guarantee that if your card resides in the upper chakras in one of the spreads you will always respond from the aspect of self called the cherub. If the ego is prominant in an individual who has their card in say, the 6th chakra, they will operate theough the reflective quality of their 2nd chakra lower desire. Of course, the opposite could be equally true.  A person who has their card in the 2nd chakra will always have the opportunity to work in a reflective way through identification with their original or higher desire.

The Cherub
Higher Mind

For this study, the Cherub reflects the Higher Mind, the fundamental component of unconscious perception that apprehends information in advance of our conscious awareness.  Essentially this represents the aspect of self that is poised in the steady state of universal consciousness, ready to receive the subtle signals generated by the physical senses and the intuitiion in response to the moment.  The 2 functions identified here are the perceptive functions of sensation and intuition.

It must be noted here that the perceptive functions are not necessarily of a higher nature. Rather, it is merely a reference to the ability and operation of working with unconscious content.  There is no guarantee that each person will work with this content in a meaningful or beneficial way. In fact the opposite is equally possible. For example, a person who raises their subjective desires and ideas above rational cold hard facts will likely suffer as a result.

The Ego
Lower Mind

For this study, the Ego is reflective of the Lower Mind, the fundamental component of consciousness that cognizes the tangible, physical world.  In general, this represents the aspect of self that responds to and makes sense of the the moment in a purposeful (or habitual) way. The 2 functions identified here are the judging functions of thinking and feeling.

As with the perceptive functions, there is no way to assess a persons qualities merely based on if their card is associated with one of the jusging functions.  A person with a strong thinking function could be not only a great thinker, but someone who structures their life based on the customary morals of the social code, essentially a model citizen. Though obviously, the opposite could also be true. The person could instead have a conniving, cheating mindset not based on morals but rather on their own personal desire with very little care for others.

Dualistic Counterparts - Analyzing the Sun, Moon and Rising spreads

When analyzing any of the spreads, the upper and lower chakras are in harmonic balance via the dividing line in the center of the heart.  The upper group of chakras is here termed the Spiritual Self, essentially the Cherub, while the lower group of chakras is here termed the Physical Self.  Each chakra of the Spiritual Self has its counterpart in the Physical Self, as grouped below:

  • 7th - 1st chakra pair - This pair of chakras represents the function of Intention underlying the individual activity.
  • 6th - 2nd chakra pair - This pair of chakras represents the function of Desire operating in the individual awareness.
  • 5th - 3rd chakra pair - This pair of chakras represents the function of Will (Mind), and represents the faculty of choice.
  • 4th chakra - This chakra is divided into 2 parts by what has been called the veil:
    • The Cherub - Represents the upper portion of the 4th chakra along with the 3 upper chakras
    • The Ego - Represents the lower portion of the 4th chakra along with the 3 lower chakras

Spiritual Self
Higher Self

The combined effect of the upper spiritual chakras being the 7th, 6th, 5th and 1/2 of the 4th chakras.  The Spiritual Self represents the holographic structure through which the Physical Self becomes manifest.  While the Soul is preparing for incarnation, it makes agreements with Creator relative to what it hopes to accomplish (Desire) with the incarnation, and what it is intending to give in exchange for the opportunity to evolve.  When the birth contract is complete, the cosmic consciousness of Creator is then infused into the request, and the Ego is conceived.  During the gestation period and throughout life, Intention acts as the fuel that feeds the Ego evolution; a movement meant to merge the Ego with Soul.

Represents our counterpart in Spirit as experienced through our physical senses, or the combined effect of the upper 3 physical chakras—being the 4th, 5th and 6th chakras.  The higher self is not limited by 3D reality where individuals appear to be separated from each other.  Since consciousness tends to be grounded in the lower dimensions, contact with the higher self will typically be accomplished through meditation or contemplation on the subtle nature of Love (via 4th chakra), with the focus on how that love works to create all that exists.

7th Chakra
Original Will
Higher Will

The source of the impulse motovating the Soul incarnation.  Based on the Desire of the Soul to approach the Creator, the Will necessary to do the work required was agreed upon during the negotiations of the birth contract.  Thus, from the vantage of Spirit, the Original Will represents a complete picture of the fulfillment of the birth request, and acts as a channel through which cosmic consciousness (Shiva) can operate as the creative force propelling the Soul through time.

The Higher Will is essentially a harmonic of the unconditional love that permeates the universe.  It is exposed through the pool of love that resonates in the Heart.  When the Ego acts in accordance with the Cherub, the pool of karma (1st chakra) comes into harmonic balance with the pool of love (4th chakra) and the opportunity for Soul evolution thus increases as a result.

6th Chakra
Original Desire
Higher Desire

The earnest longing of the Soul to come closer to its perfected state, the Creator.  Universal Desire is indicated as the desire of Creator to experience Self.  To accomplish this, Creator sends forth a spark of Self into the realm of physicality.   This spark of Creator represents an individual Soul, and the desire of Creator is that the Soul gather the experience of physicality and return with that to source.  The Original Desire of Soul, then, is the attraction toward Creator, exposed as the longing to experience Creator.

The Higher Desire represents the Soul expression of the Original Desire to incarnate.  This Desire operates as an attractive force that compels the Ego to seek the feeling of experiencing Creator.  Thus, the Lower Desire resonates the harmonic of the Higher Desire and the Creator is then revealed through the experience of the moment.

5th Chakra
Original Intention
Higher Intention

The agreed upon effort that Soul will provide in exchange for the opportunity to come closer to its perfected state, the Creator.  The Original Intention is reflective of the universal law of cause and effect.  As a function of this law, the Soul is afforded the opportunity to experience Creator, and it does so through the effort that it offers in relation to harmonizing past debts (Choices).  The Original Intention represents the fundamental principal of dualistic balance; as above so below.  In it's most pure state, the intention merely listens to the voice resonating in the depths of the backdrop, and responds as a function or it's desire to manifest that destiny.

The mind of the Higher Self, or that functioning of mind that represents contact with the universal cosmic consciousness.  This is essentially the holographic backdrop that overlays the Soul opportunity in 3D.  In the higher mind, all Souls are connected through the fabric of this holographic substance.  The task for Soul is to raise the Ego consciousness to that of Soul awareness, thereby building a bridge that connects the lower self to the higher self.

From the perspective of the higher self, the activity of the Ego is clearly defined in that the created seed is undeniably exposed.  Also, since all higher selves are connected through the cosmic human, the bridge built effectively connects the Ego to all other Ego selves, and in the process dissolves the veil of separation.  All are one in the cosmic human, being the totality of all human beings.

4th Chakra
Original Choice
The Cherub represents the spiritual aspect of the individual self, reflecting the Original Choice to incarnate (being the combined effect of the Original Intention, Desire and Will).  This is the heavenly or angelic aspect of humanity, and represents the facility of the self to know the difference between right action and wrong action.  The Cherub essentially represents the fulcrum about which the Ego comes to know the Soul, and through this fulcrum is made available the Intention, Desire and Will set forth in the birth contract.
Physical Self
Lower Self

The combined effect of the lower physical chakras being the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 1/2 of the 4th chakras.  The physical Self represents the effect of the cause set forth by the Soul in respect to the birth contract, and as such represents the conduit through which the Soul can come to experience Creator.  In order to do so, however, the physical incarnation (Ego) awakens in the realm of 3D and quickly forgets its heavenly counterpart (Cherub).  Therefore, the effort of Ego to align with Cherub becomes the payment of the Soul to experience Creator.

Represents the Ego Self, or the combined effect of the lower 3 chakras--being the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras.  Essentially the lower self is a reflection of the higher self in physicality, and by focusing on the intimate physical processes that make up our 3D world, the higher awareness (or higher self) will appear 'clothed' in 3D.  The appearance of this higher awareness however does not necessarily mean that we will be operating in alignment with our higher self.  Even when consciousness has evolved to a high state of being, if the intent pulsating at the core of being is manipulative, then the force acting upon 3D will issue through the lower chakras.  In this case, though the individual may have contact with the higher chakras, it will bind itself to the lower through the harmonic that links the higher and lower selves.  Also, though an individual may not have attained the awareness of the higher self, if they have an altruistic intent in their actions they will automatically align with their higher chakra counterpart, and therefore gain contact with their higher self.

4th Chakra
Individual Choice
The Ego represents the physical aspect of the individual self, exposed through the choices made.  Individual Choice is the accumulation of force operating through the Individual Will, Desire and Intention that make up the moment.  This is the earthly aspect of humanity, and represents the facility (and requirement) of the self to choose in the moment.  The goal for Ego is to remember to align with its spiritual counterpart the Cherub.   In so doing a bridge is created that connects the Soul with Creator.
3rd Chakra
Individual Intention
Lower Intention

The Individual Intention represents the mental ecology through which the Ego chooses in the moment.  Essentially, this is the mind of the Ego Self, or that functioning of mind that connects one to the physical plane manifestations of Earth via the 5 senses.  Through the concrete aspect of mind, the Ego is bound to the 3rd chakra opportunity in which the Solar Plexus becomes the arena for Ego activity.   Through the abstract aspect of mind, the Ego can build a bridge to its opportunity in the 4th chakra where the intuition can then be developed.  As consciousness is raised to the 4th chakra, the Ego can then discover the greater opportunity afforded the self due to its 3rd chakra creations.

Also called the Lower Intention, it essentially refers to the conscious decision-making facility of the Ego, based initially in the concrete faculty of Mind.  When the Ego is driven by higher aspirations, then the point of decision-making is raised to the 4th chakra where the language of intuition is provided through the faculty of the abstract mind.

2nd Chakra
Individual Desire
Lower Desire

The desire that permeates the emotional body of the individual.  This desire is typically self-serving, and represents a function of the individual ego.  When the Ego consciousness raises from 3rd chakra to 4th chakra activity, the individual desire then begins to align with the original Soul desire, and the self-serving nature of the Ego then is transformed towards the altruistic activity of seeking Creator.

Also called the Lower Desire, it essentially refers to the feeling that the ego has towards the characters and events that make up the moment.  When the desire is adjusted towards seeking the Creator, then the environmental and personal factors that make up the moment evolve such that the feeling then reveals the Spirit behind the activity.

1st Chakra
Individual Will
Lower Will

The Will or motivation that rests at the root of the Ego choice in the moment.  This motivation is at first represented by the karmic patterns that are infused into the structural makeup of the individual Ego.  However, over time as the Ego chooses in the moment, the activity of Soul evolution provides the opportunity for the release of unwanted patterns, and the attainment of a more purified state.  It is the adjustment of attitude that provides the opportunity for Ego to transform these patterns.  The effort applied toward attaining an attitude of acceptance represents the work necessary to transmute karmic patterns.

Also called the Lower Will, it refers to recognition of the karmic patterns that make up the individual karmic history, and is exposed through the pool of karma that echoes in the 1st chakra.  The ability to affect these karmic patterns is greatly influenced by the attitude that the individual has towards taking responsibility for the creations that appear in physicality.