![]() Understanding the Karmic WheelThe diagram on the left describes the order of the Cards as they progress through the positions in the framework while the deck is being quadrated. These positions from here on will be termed houses, and the card that resides in each house in the sun spread will be said to own that house. To start, notice the inner circle which contains the fixed and binary state cards. The fixed cards are shown as being linked to each other in the form of a triangle. This symbolism is reflective of the maxim that the fixed cards create an anchor through which the movement of the outer Wheel maintains its harmonic balance. The binary state pairs are represented by showing their connection using 2-way arrows. This symbolism represents the reality that even in the fixed nature of the universal 'Law of One', duality is present and creates an alternating sequence of attraction. The outer wheel then contains the remaining 45 cards that are always
in motion whenever the deck is quadrated. Even though these
cards are always moving, there is a sequence that these cards follow
in relation to each other. Look at the Sun
spread and notice the position of the Each time the deck is quadrated, the cards on the outer wheel progress
one position to the left (counter-clockwise) to show the progression
of cards through each house
in the framework. Using the solar
time card house
as an example, quadrating the deck will move the If you continue quadrating the deck, on your 44th birthday the
The outer wheel of 45 cards will all return to their respective
houses, but the
binary state
pairs of cards in the inner circle will be in their alternate houses.
The From this we can see that there are a total of 90 unique quadrations, and on the 90th birthday the cards will be in the exact locations that they were in the year 0 quadration. Therefore, for years 90 and beyond, you start counting from 0 again. The description above shows the movement of the cards as they progress
through a particular card house as
the deck is being quadrated. However, another important progression
is occurring at the same time as this counter-clockwise motion.
When the wheel is moving in the clockwise motion, the card that
moves into the solar
time card house
on the outer wheel represents the card house
that the For example, at the year 0 quadration the wheel moves clockwise
and shows that the From this we can see that there is Karmic Wheel movement in both directions simultaneously as the deck is being quadrated, and outpictures as described below: Rotation of the Karmic Wheel in the clockwise direction exposes the quadration that represents the outward movement of the wheel. This represents the positive linear sequence of number, where the quadrations fan out in ascending order, starting with 0 and going to 88. At year 89 you will arrive again at the top of the wheel and will have rotated one complete cycle.
Rotation of the Karmic Wheel in the counter-clockwise direction exposes the quadration that represents the inward movement of the wheel. This represents the negative linear sequence of number, where the quadrations fan out in descending order, starting with 88 and going to 0. At year 89 you will arrive again at the top of the wheel and will have rotated one complete cycle.
Since the year 89 quadration represents the sun spread, it means that at year 89, the sun spread, moon spread and rising spread are all the same. Therefore, year 89 represents the point of greatest potential for the individual, having all 3 aspects of Self aligned to the same orientation. The graphic below shows a cross-section of the top of the karmic wheel using the sun spread as an example to describe how the quadrations fan out like a wheel. The object of this graphic is to show how movement of the karmic wheel produces the sequence of Rising and Moon spreads as it is rotated in both clockwise and counter-clockwise direction. ![]() |