Planets Governing the Fourth Chakra
The 4th chakra represents the central point through which all Earth plane activities originate. The spiral of life emanates as a waveform through the Heart at the birth event, and resonates equally into 3D reality and into Spirit--connecting all of the chakra centers. Earth, operating in Taurus, represents the archetypal expression of the crystallized structure that manifests as a result of the holographic original seed form present at the birth event.
Since the birth contract contains all of the evolutionary opportunities available to the emerging Soul, the crystalline structure in the Heart then represents all possible earthly manifestations available for that incarnation. Venus in Libra then plays the role of the Cherub in the Heart whereby the cognition of right and wrong action is realized. The balancing of the scales then represents the path of evolutionary movement that the Soul walks through its earthly incarnation, as spiritual energy draws forth Earth plane activities necessary to represent the balancing act.
Earth rules in Taurus as the birth event manifests the crystalline structure through which all 3D activity takes place, in response to the holographic original desire resident in the birth contract. As the Heart opens to birth the Soul impulse, the Earth draws together all material substance necessary to represent all possible manifestations available to the incarnating Soul as it evolves through time.
Venus rules in Libra by day as the Rising event manifests first the division of Heaven and Earth, while simultaneously the division of the sexes. It is signified by the scales as the Cherub/Ego Self chooses to create the moment as a response to the individual intention.